Reasons to be fearful
The #1 fear of most Americans is speaking in public. You know the feeling -- sweaty palms, jittery voice and life-sucking dread. But as with most things, practice teaches us to face our fears and defeat them.
The #1 fear of Americans thinking about retirement? You got it: outliving one's savings and investments. In fact, 43% of those age 50 and older see this as a real concern. So, in this case face your fears and address them. But you're reading this which tells me you're on your way.
While your at it, remember that not far down the list from running out of money is declining health which may require long-term care. Please look at past postings that address this issue.
Here are the research results on the greatest fears of workers over 50 according to the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies:
Outliving savings and investments: 43%
Declining health that requires long-term care: 38%
Social Security will be reduced or won’t exist: 33%
Lack of access to adequate and affordable health care: 27%
Cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer’s: 25%
Finding meaningful ways to spend time and stay involved: 11%
Being laid off/not being able to retire on my own terms: 10%
Feeling isolated and alone: 9%
If any of these apply to you (as they do to most sentient beings) make a plan and take action. Now!